Friday, September 02, 2005


I am so fucking happy it is Friday. Nothing is better than a long weekend. I don't think I am doing much. Maybe just aday trip to the beach with my sister and daughter.Side note I did mention it to the ASS but you know god forbid he has to do anything. So anyway got off to a somewhat wrong foot. Today is one of the days that his mom watches the baby and I had to hear her ramble this morning about stupid shit like usual. I mean come on lady it is 6:30 am and you are rambling on to me about bullshit. If you think I am listening you are highly mistaken. At one point she was crying about something but I am so use to tuning her out anymore I don't know what the hell her problem was. Oh Well!!! Whatever it is it isn't my FUCKING problem.

I am praying to god that we get out of here early today. I have so much to do. I have to go food shopping and I rather lick the bottom of my shoes than go food shopping. I still cant find the right time to go. If you go early in the morning it is filled with old people who move slower than a turtle the afternoon is filled with stay at home mom and their kids, who some of should be put on a damn leash, and at night it is filled with the moms coming home from work rushing to get shit done and get easily aggravated. I usually fall into the aggravate crowd at night time. I know this might sounds white trash to people but I found a way to save money. I have been shopping at the local walmart for the food that they have there that I need and then I go to ACME to do the rest. I find that I save so much money shopping at Walmart. It is like so much more cheaper there. I just cut my coupons so now I have to get organized so when I go in I know exactly where I need to go and what to get so I don't get side tracked. Once you get side tracked there is no telling what I would end up buying. I feel like I have to map out the store before I even go in to make it go by quick and painless.

We have a birthday party on Sunday for my cousin. He will be two so I have to go out and find something for him. I know when I go to buy him something I will end up spending like $100 because I will end up getting shit for my daughter who doesn't need it. I always do that.

Well that is enough ranting for me today. See ya on the flip side. LATE!!


At 6:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 5:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was so happy when I moved and the Wal-mart was a super center! I used to have to shop at an Acme too and it is soooo expensive... I moved south and we have Krogers now but I still go to Wal-mart... You get the same stuff for cheaper. Don't be ashamed for saving yourself money... I don't have any kids and I make very good money but why spend more then I have too, right?! Good for you!!!


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