Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Just bite my lip

So today was the drop off day at the mother in laws from HELL. So like I said in the previous post my boyfriends brother is a crack addict. Well he was calling all day yesterday to see if he could come home because he needs help. See he does this shit because he knows that the baby was going to be there today and his mom and dad would leave him be when she is around. So anyway his parents are trying tooth and nail to get him into a rehab center for like the 5th time. So she Called some place he was at before and they have no beds so they told her to call back tomorrow, and she got into a fight with the guy on the phone because the mother told him that is anything happened to her son over night she would hold him responsible. And the guy told her it wasn't her fault that he got himself into the mess he was in. So the mom got all upset blah blha blha. So I guess my question is was the guy in the wrong for saying that. I don't think so one bit. I mean really if they have no beds they have no beds. I mean the kid did this shit to himself why should domeone else get the flack from his mom. God I cant stand his brother. He is suck a fucking wack job. Literally. We all think that he is gay and he is afarid to come out of the closet and that is why he has problems. I mean I have been with my boyfriend now for like 7 years and I never seen him with a girl once. NEVER. No that doesn't mean he is gay, he is a very ugly man so that could be another reason why I never see him with a girl but that is whole different story.

So now I am getting phone calls from the mother rambling on and crying about the whole thing. I mean what does she want me to say. It isn't my brother with the problems and frankly I really don't care. I mean the man is 32 years old. If he hasn't gotten his shit together after 5 different rehabs do you think he will now. I don't think so. Nd the thing I hate about him most is that he is such a hypocrite. I mean he talks shit about people left and right and he is the most fucked up person I ever met.

Anyway I have a work picnic this weekend and I am so nervous about it. I am going by myself since I don't wantpeople to meet my boyfriend because sometimes he can be so white trash and I don't want to be embarrassed. I am just nervous. I don't know why but I just am. I just hope I don't do or say something stupid to embarrass the living shit out of myself.

Until next time....


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