Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Biggest Loser

Did anyone watch this last night on NBC. I watched bits of it last time it was on and I watched about an hour and a half of it last night and I think I am going to have to watch this show. I love it so much. This is one of the few reality shows that I actually like. I think mainly because it is about real people who truly want to make a difference in their lives. I loved the part where they brought them into the room with all of the food and they only had a half hour to consume as much as the could. How about the lady who was licking chocolate from the fountain. I was cracking up.

So yesterday the Asshole came home from his trip. It was so nice without him and now he is back and the drama just rolled into the house. So as you know his brother has a severe drug issue and he was in the hospital on Saturday b/c something was wrong with his blood. I don't know the details because frankly I don't care. I know that might sound mean but sometime I don't have sympathy for drug addicts. I mean they bring these problems onto their selves. So anyway the mother in law from hell called me the other night crying that when they went to go visit the brother in rehab they had this round table discussion with his councilor and the brother told everyone that the reason why he cant get clean is because he doesn't have the support from his brother. So basically he is putting the blame on someone else for why he is a drug addict. So I told my boyfriend this last night and he flipped out. And I don't blame him for being pissed. So now his mom keeps calling trying to get my boyfriend to call his brother to try and help him out and he refuses. So now like usual I am stuck in the middle. So now his mom is all upset over this. But not upset enough that she could go away yet again to Atlantic city. I mean this is like the second time she went down there for the week this month. I just cant stand her.

So besides al that drama my daughter is getting into her terrible two stage fast. Last night after I picked her up from the babysitters on the car ride home she climbed out of her car seat. And her car seat is the one where you pull the lap part over her head. She is just so bold anymore and I try everything but it just seems like she isn't afraid of anything anymore.

That is all of my ranting and raving for now. Late!


At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How old is your daughter? My daughter is 28 months and sometimes she is a terror! Of course I love her and she's actually pretty well behaved for a 2 year old (that's what people tell me anyway)but sometimes it takes everything in me to keep my patience with her. She has never climbed out of her carseat though, so I can't help you with that. I'm Babies R Us probably sells some sort of carseat lock or something...they sell everything else you can imagine :-)

At 7:09 AM, Blogger safegurl said...

My daughter is 27 months old.

At 7:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh lord do I remember those days! My daughter would throw a fit about being in her car seat! Thankfully we had a 5 point harness one and she couldn't climb out...Although getting her into it was a hassle. She would arch her back and scream like the devil was after her! That chair may have to be an option if you can't find a restrainer to put with the one you have. They do get more bold and it is more of seeing how far they can cross the line so be firm! The drug adddict is obvioulsy not ready to get clean. He is still blaming his addiction and lack of personal restraint on someone else. Because as long as he doesn't take responsibilty for his own actions and choices then he never really sees reality for what it is. He probably says he isn't even an addict, that he can quit if he wants too but be likes to do them, huh?! As bad as it is to say this... Sometimes the best thing for a person is for everyone to give up on that person. He will keep doing what he is doing because he will always have mommy and brother to bail him out, give him food and money. Sometimes a person just really needs to hit rock bottom before they will wake up and realize what they did to their lives and the lives of the people around them... Sometimes that happens, sometimes it doesn't.

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems your girl is crying for attention. You say you a re young girl who does not have enough time for her daughter. Usually childern, that are breast fed for about 9 months, are well behaved. If they are not breast fed or breast fed for a long time, become very uncontrollable. I'm not a psychollogist. So my comments may only be deemed to be observations and can't be relied upon as scientific conclusions.

But please hold on. Try to get rid of your insecurity. Stat away from men who are not there for you even if that means loneliness. Loneliless is better than being with a man who needs you to fulfill his needs. You don't need to fulfill any one's needs especially sexual needs when you have to take care of your need to get ahead in life whatever that means.

At 12:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Frgive me for my last comments. They did not come out as I meant them

I rpeat the first part as I meant them.

"You say you are a young girl. You probably are a young girl who does not have enough time for her daughter...........".

The difference between the two is that I did not mean to say you said you don't have enough time for your daughter.

You probably have enough time for your daughter but she does not think she is getting enough time.

At 5:32 PM, Blogger safegurl said...

fakir005 I have plenty of time for my daughter. Granite I do work a 8 hour a day job ever minute after that is devoted to my daughtre. I dont think she is crying for my attention. I just think she is at the age now where she is seeing what buttons she can push with me.

And when I say I am young. I am not young young I am 23 years oldvqm

At 12:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I adnire you sagegurl for saying you are not that young. Girls your age are chasing men by going to bar every night and are not home until the bars close. They visit every bar every night. I don't know where they get so much money. Each drink costs atleast $7 and they never use buses. They take cabs.

So if you work 8 hours and rush to your daughter that's very admirable. I hope your daughter appreciates in time.

How come her father does not help you in the chore of raising her. It is too much for one person.

At 10:34 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought I'd hear from you. You did not reply to my message. I thought you would reply. Don't ask me why I thought you'd reply. I just thought you'd reply.


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