Tuesday, October 18, 2005

High Standards

So ever since I have initiated this break up with the asshole and I am in the process of mingling with new people I have decided to set some standards that if the guy doesn't meet he is out the door. I don't think I am being a bitch by doing this. I just feel that I have been put through enough and the least I could do for myself is not get into some of that shit again. So the dude that I am talking to is getting the real one two since I am not putting up with any shit anymore. So far he has been meeting the bar fine until last night. So yesterday he called me while I was at work and while I was on the phone with him he was holding another conversation with one of his friend's from work. He was laughing at something. So I got annoyed and I told him I would just call him later since it seemed that he was busy. He quickly stopped the other conversation but it was already too late. So last night I gave him a call around 7:30pm. Usually when I call him he always answers not last night. And I have never felt comfortable leaving voice mails and since I know that he has called id on his cell phone I didn't leave a message. Lets fast forward to right now and he still hasn't called me back. NOT COOL......He usually always calls me around 1:30 while he is on his break for lunch. Let see if he calls then and if he doesn't he is getting the axe. Simple as that. I am not going through this sort of bullshit again. Someone tell me if I am being a bitch by acting like this.

Talk to ya later!!!


At 9:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so NOT being a bitch. You need to think about your daughter and the type of person you want around her. If this guys is playing games and can't even call you back then you can definitely find someone better. Besides, you said he isn't really your type anyway.

At 12:21 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaaahhhh, forget about it. If you call him again, you'll come off weak.

There are a shitload of fish in the ocean. Why eat carp when you can have lobster?


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