Monday, October 03, 2005


So on Friday night I went out with my girlfriends for happy hour which turned out to staying out all night long. So lets keep in mind that I hardly ever drink and I was at the bar from 6pm-1:30am drinking. So I was hammered. Within my drunken stooper I started talking to some dude. He was really nice and he wasn't bad to look at either. So my ride was going to leave and I was able to find someone else to drive me home. So I had to go get my stuff out of her car and he came along for the walk. I was pretty drunk so he was holding my hand just to guide me along. So after I got my stuff out of the car we were walking back to the bar and he just leaned in and kissed me. The bad part is that I didn't pull away. And I kissed him a few times through out the night. I told him about how I have a daughter and an asshole boyfriend and it didn't seem to bother him. So in the back of my mind I was thinking that this dude probably only wants a piece of ass. Which he wasn't going to get. So he asked for my number and I gave him my work number b/c I was too scared to give him my cell number. IT was just to risky. So I get a email today from my best friend who actually saw him last night and he was saying how he was upset that I only gave my work number because he wanted to talk to me. So he told my friend that if I wanted his number I could get it off of her since he gave it to her. So here is my delima. What do I do????? I mean I think he is cute but I don't want anything serious. And what do I do about the asshole who lives at home with me. I am so torn as of what to do.......


At 11:49 AM, Blogger It's a Fantastic Life said...

Hmm... I guess that you probably should end it with your guy before you go kissing others but I also guess, what he doesn't know won't hurt him. I know that is not a good way to look at it but... I really do think you need to get rid of him tho. He does nothing for you and makes your life way harder and you don't need that. Don't be scared-you will see how great your life can be without him. I have been there and done that so I talk from experience. Good Luck!!!


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