Monday, September 19, 2005

Another Dull Weekend

So this weekend nothing really exciting went down. I got my daughters hair cut on Friday since I had from work. She is so good when she gets her hair cut. She sits there and dosent move one bit. She is such a girly girl. She loves that sort of stuff. Saturday we had to go over to the mother in law from hell's house for dinner. Wasnt looking forward to it one bit. So come to find out the my boyfriends brother is getting out of rehab on Friday but they dont know what they are going to do with him. I know he will be back in that house.

Yesterday I cleaned house. I am so tired of loking at all of the junk that we somehow collect. I am not a packrat by any means but lately we have accumlated so much stuff I cant stand it. I can wait until I am able to get it all out of the house.

So I got my daughter the Toy Story DVD and can I tell you I have watched it non stop all weekend long. You know it is bad when your two year old can repeat the whole movie back to you. Well gotta jet!

Peace Out!!!


At 9:02 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're so lucky that she sits still for you! My niece is 4 and I have to cut her hair because I am the only she will let do it! Good luck with the terrible 2's! I helped raise my niece and boy was she difficult! Whomever that was that said those ignorant things to you must not have children! Didn't breastfeed; geez could you be any more stupid! Keep your chin up! It sounds like you are a wonderful mother! Good luck with the in-laws also! That is a tough boat you are in but you sound like a smart and strong woman that can handle what life is throwing at you! I enjoy reading your blog so keep it up! And I am so excited for Laguna Baach! I sure hope someone tells Alex what she really is!!!


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