Thursday, November 03, 2005

My hot date

So last night I went on a nice date with the new guy. It was really nice. We went out to dinner. Nothing fancy but it was nice for the two of us to just go out and talk and for me to find out if he was saying "love You" to me or not. At one point during dinner I started to get a little nervous b/c he started to drill me over things that I really wasn't expecting. Like I was talking about how we are just friendly right now and it is nothing serious. So I told him if he had the chance to get with other girls that he should do it. But then he through me the curve ball. He told me that he would never do something like that to a girl he is really liking. So then he asked me if I have been hooking up with other dudes while I have been hooking up with him. From what I am told my face turned bright red and I had a big ass smirk on my face. Because the answer is yea I have got with other dudes while I have been hooking up with him. But I don't think I did a damn thing wrong. He needs to take a step back before he gets hurt and realize that he could just be my rebound person. I am not saying that he is but he could be in the long run.

He is nothing like what I see myself with but for some reason I am so drawn to him. I cant put my finger on it but something attracts me to him in a big way. He was asking me why I even talk to him if he is not my type and I didn't have an answer for him b/c I don't know why. I don't know what will become of the two of us but whatever it might be it wont come for a long long time.

The asshole is driving me absolutely insane anymore. I just cant take it. I really wish he would just disappear

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


So I have a big dilemma. So you all know about the new guy. He is really sweet but he is moving a little too fas for me and honestly it is starting to creep me out. So about two weeks ago when we were on the phone before we hung up I swore he said "love You" I just kinda ignored it and said bye. So all that night I was trying to think of things that might sound like that and maybe I just misunderstood him. But the other night on the phone I heard it clear as day. Now it just totally creeped me out. After he said it I was like BYE. Now tonight we have a date and I don't know if I should bring it up or not. I mean I don't want to call him out but on the other hand I am saying to myself WTF I have only know you for a little over a month. Does anyone else think this is weird. I heard from one of his friends that he can be kinda clingy. If he is really saying this shit to me he is out the door. It just seems like he is desperate.

I need some advice on how to approach this. And also I was planning on go away for the night with my girlfriends on Saturday night and I was telling the new dude about it and he was like upset that he wasn't going to see me. I think he is already smothering me. WHY ME!!!